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13 imagesFlamenco dancer Sara Baras dances during her performance `La Pepa´ in Madrid, Spain. October 14, 2014.
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2 imagesEnrique Peña Nieto, presidente de México, saluda a la cámara desde el Rolls Royce de la Casa Real Española, tras su reunión de trabajo con el presidente de la CEOE esta mañana en Madrid. Enrique Peña Nieto, presidente de México, saluda a la cámara desde el Rolls Royce de la Casa Real Española, tras su reunión de trabajo con el presidente de la CEOE esta mañana en Madrid el 10.06.2014 FOTO©ÁlvaroMinguito/DISOPress/NortePhoto.com
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17 imagesSticker with Angela Merkel´s and Mariano Rajoy´s face during the demonstration on 1st May, Workers International Day. People march according to the call of the main Spanish work unions, UGT, CCOO and CGT. May 1, 2013 (Alterphotos/Victor Blanco)
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22 imagesSpanish actor Carlos Hipolito during the brief tribute to spanish written Buero Vallejo at Instituto Cervantes in Madrid. September 29, 2016. (ALTERPHOTOS/Borja B.Hojas) /NORTEPHOTO
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64 imagestraining of Spanish national team under 21 at Ciudad del El futbol in Madrid, Spain. March 21, 2017.
18 imagesThe President of the Government of Spain, Mariano Rajoy (r), meets with the Secretary General of the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party) Pedro Sanchez. July 6, 2017.
38 imagesParticipants celebrate the 'Chupinazo' (start rocket) marking the start of the San Fermin Festival, in front of the Town Hall of Pamplona, Spain, on July 6, 2017.
12 imagesCebada Gago fighting bull on the first day of the San Fermin bull run festival in Pamplona, northern Spain on July 7, 2017. Spain.
11 imagesThe San Fermin procession and Second San Fermin bull running.
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17 imagesCatalan citizens come to vote during the referendum for the independence of Catalonia. October 1, 2017.
16 imagesSupporters of the CUP demand to declare independence today from the outside of the Parliament of Catalonia. October 3, 2017.